Sunday, June 12, 2011

Family Time

Last week was wonderful. June 3 my Father-in-law got married and our whole family was together. Hilary and her family came from Texas and stayed from Thursday night until the next Wednesday. It was wonderful to see everyone. Heather and her family came on Friday morning and stayed until Saturday. On Sunday, we all went to Grand Island to celebrate Wyatt's birthday. Hopefully someone will get pictures on because I didn't take any.

Jason and Hil helped me get things organized and I'm very grateful. I was actually able to go out and work in the garage a little this weekend. It's been so unorganized that I get overwhelmed and can't do anything. Jas fixed that for me. It still needs work, but at least it's not overwhelming anymore. The same with my craft room. There is still a lot to do, but Hilary helped me gt it somewhat organized and I'm going to go down this afternoon and work on a cover for my Kindle.

The grandkids were great! Quinny really loves to be outside so we went to the park a lot and had picnics outside. Kellen is crawling and is smiling all the time. They are both wonderful and I look forward to seeing them again in July when I go to Texas.

Wyatt had a great birthday. Not as many family members as usual, but lots of gifts and a wonderful cake that his mom and dad created for him. Bella and Quinn seemed to have lots of fun playing with each other. It's so wonderful to see the kids get together. As they grow older, I hope grandma will have the time and ability to have them for a week each summer and do lots of stuff together.

Well, that's it for today. Hope everyone out there in blogger land is doing well. God bless!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To all who stumble on my blog (I can't imagine that will happen much!), Happy Mother's Day!

Sometimes I just need someone to talk to, so blogger, you'll be it!

Today is warm and windy. It was supposed to rain today (but somehow, that has passed us by--at least for a while). Actually the weather channel says that we could still have a thunderstorm later today and possible tornadoes. Given the weather this year in other parts of the country, I wouldn't scoff at it! Anyway, I got my yard mowed. That was a huge accomplishments given my travel and not being home much. It hadn't been mowed for 2 weeks. Not good! I still have to clean out some of my flower beds, plant some garden and other outside chores, but it's at least a start.

I also went to the Farmer's Market this morning and picked up some asparagus and some herbed goat cheese, then stopped at the Red Clover health food store and got some couscous. I have a recipe for some cranberry walnut couscous that sounds really good! My next stop was Earl May to pick up another rhubarb plant. I picked my one plant too much last year and it's struggling just a little this year--totally my own fault. It's coming back, but needs a little more time. I loved canning the rhubarb last year and I need another plant.

My iris are shooting up blooms like crazy! I hope to get some pictures, and I'll upload them for you to see. I love flowers. I didn't get my roses trimmed this spring, so they are growing like crazy on the old stems--my butterfly bush too. I don't know exactly what that will do to them, but...oh well.

This afternoon I'm going to go pick up a new furnace filter, a water chain (to attach to my gutter and let water flow to my water barrel), and some l-brackets to square up my screen door. Then it's off to the basement to work on organization.

Yesterday Heather and the kids came to see me and spend the day since they were going to Milford for Emily's birthday party in the evening. It was good to see them. We went to a few garage sales and although we didn't find a lot, we found a few super hero toys, a super hero flashlight, a shirt for Bella and a transformer costume for Wyatt. Score! The day was a success.
And it only cost $1.25. What more can you ask for? Ha!

Once again, Happy Mother's Day! Especially to my beautiful two daughters who are wonderful mother's in their own right.