Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well, it's been quite a while since I've written anything in my blog. I got some videos of the Grand Island grandkids this Halloween and thought I'd better find a way to get them out there for everyone to see. We had a nice weekend with the Benzels. Wyatt was a tiger--grrrrrrr. And Bella was a Nebraska cheerleader.

Wyatt was not real thrilled about wearing his tiger headpiece. We were lucky to get a photo of him in his tiger suit and with his "Paws" on

Here's little Bella and her mommy. She was game to begin with, but pooped out fairly soon. We went to 2 neighbor's homes and then got into the car to go visit the Fire Stations. Sitting in her carseat is NOT Bella's favorite activity, so she wasn't very thrilled with that, but she was a trooper--up until she fell asleep in the carseat.

Here is a video of trick or treating. This one was across the street at Bob's house.

And here are some random pics of the rest of our weekend...

This last video is Heather singing to the Wii American Idol game and Bella dancing along.